A Brief Background on the Exposome

Here we highlight three exposome papers that help introduce the topic from its initial formulation and through this evolving field to where it stands today. After reviewing these papers, the reader should have a firm sense of what the exposome encompasses and how investigators in the field of environmental health sciences view the approach to tackling the questions presented. As always in research, the field will continue to grow with new research and scientific dialogue around the exposome.

Complementing the genome with an “exposome”: the outstanding challenge of environmental exposure measurement in molecular epidemiology –Christopher Wild 2005

The Exposome: Molecules to Populations Megan M. Niedzwiecki, Douglas I. Walker, Roel Vermeulen, Marc Chadeau-Hyam, Dean P. Jones, and Gary W. Miller

The Nature of Nurture: Refining the Definition of the Exposome –Gary Miller and Dean Jones 2014