NIEHS Exposome Webinar: Tooth Matrix Biomarkers

On Tuesday, July 26th from 11:00AM-12:30PM, Manish Arora of Mount Sinai’s School of Medicine will present their work developing tooth matrix biomarkers for environmental health research. Their research offers the potential to capture exposures that have occurred during critical developmental periods in utero. See our previous highlight discussing the importance of their work to the exposome. An excerpt is below:

Tooth biomarkers offer a retrospective, non-invasive measurement tool to directly measure fetal exposures to multiple chemicals. The Mount Sinai team was recently awarded one of the CHEAR (Children’s Health Exposure Analysis Resource) Laboratory Hubs. Under this structure, their developmental core will be working on tooth matrix-based biomarkers as well as other biomarkers aimed at retrospective exposure reconstruction. Although this technology is relatively new, it offers a promising tool for assessing and understanding the early-life exposome.

Learn more about the webinar and registration here!