Early in 2015, NIEHS will hold a two-day exposome workshop to further define the exposome and discuss technical approaches to implementing exposome studies. The workshop will bring together scientists from a range of disciplines in the environmental health community to provide their insights and perspectives on how to approach researching the exposome.
In the months leading up to the meeting, five workgroups were formed to provide a comprehensive assessment of the state-of-the-science for their particular topic area. Each group will present their findings at the workshop along with recommendations on what needs further development and strategies for applying their topic area to a larger exposome study. Through the many break-out sessions and opportunities for discussion scheduled during the workshop, the goal is to create recommendations to NIEHS and the broader Environmental Health Sciences community about the approaches to the exposome and how they might be best implemented into current and future research settings.
As mentioned during the last exposome webinar on December 2, 2014, NIEHS plans to broadcast portions of the workshop over the two days for those curious about what is happening in real-time during the meeting. This will be an extension of the NIEHS Exposome Webinar series. Sign up for the listserv to keep informed about upcoming events, including the broadcast of the workshop.
Stay tuned in 2015 for more updates and recommendations from the workshop!